Custom GitHub App

Before creating your container, you'll need to create a GitHub app for your organisation.

Creating a GitHub app

From GitHub, click on your profile picture and chose "Settings":

Step 1
Step 1

Then "Developer settings" from the left-hand menu:

Step 2
Step 2

Then "GitHub Apps":

Step 3
Step 3

And create a new GitHub app:

Step 4
Step 4

Give it a name, and a homepage URL. The callback URL is the important bit. It needs to be in this form:

1[your-nx-cloud-url]/callbacks/github-user 2 3# for example 4https://my.nx-enterprise.url:8080/callbacks/github-user 5

Configure a webhook and give it a secret: (the URL needs to match https://<your-NxCloud-instance-URL>/nx-cloud/github-webhook-handler)

Step 5
Step 5

Make sure you subscribe to the "Organization" events:

Step 5.1
Step 5.1

Once you create the app, keep a note of the Client ID and App ID:

Step 6
Step 6

Then generate a new client secret, and save it somewhere secure (we'll use it in a bit):

Step 7
Step 7

Finally, scroll down and download a private key:

Step 7
Step 7

Then navigate to your download location locally and stringify the contents of the private key:

1awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}' your-key.pem # keep a note of the output 2

Save the output of the above, as we'll also use it in a bit.

Configure Permissions for the GitHub App

The following permissions are required for Nx Cloud to work:

Repository permissions:

  • Contents: Read & Write
  • Pull requests: Read & Write
  • Checks: Read Only
  • Commit Statuses: Read & Write
  • Issues: Read & Write
  • Metadata: Read Only

Organization permissions:

  • Administration: Read Only
  • Members: Read Only

Connect Your Nx Cloud Installation

Provide the following values to your developer productivity engineer so they can help connect Nx Cloud to your custom GitHub app:

  • Github App Client ID
  • Github App Client Secret
  • Github App App ID
  • Github App Private Key
  • GitHub App Webhook Secret